Integrity management for teams
When working on tailor-made programs in the business world, Dina-Perla Portnaar never loses sight of morals, ethics, and integrity, connected to well-being, and what she has done for many years, namely reputation and stakeholder management – including PR, marketing, communications, and networking. These three pillars are connected.
The programs focus on building judgment and willpower to strengthen integrity and handle the gray areas – moral dilemmas. Dina-Perla Portnaar does not shy away from hard conversations. She mirrors back what needs to be mirrored. She inspires people to hold on to their inner compass and to (re)discover their blueprint. The programs integrate each personal blueprint for successful collaboration and synergy.
How people interact daily is at the core of those programs. Of course, speaking out and authentic communication is part of that journey. Otherwise, it is wasting everyone’s time, energy, and money. Sometimes, these programs require strengthening inclusivity in the sense of cross-cultural communications, culture, and codes of conduct.
Integrity management for you
Dina-Perla Portnaar facilitates accountability for commitments and achieving goals (an important one). She offers guidance, insights, and a safe and secure space for self-expression and exploration because everyone deserves to live a life with integrity on the back of a personal blueprint. It translates into integrity consults, learning, and development through deep, free, and critical thinking. Build judgment and willpower to strengthen integrity and handle the gray areas – moral dilemmas.
Consults lead to clarity, self-awareness, solving limiting beliefs, and making conscious choices. Learn to live with integrity in thoughts, words, and actions. Become more integrated instead of staying fragmented. Look at the behavioral traits, weaknesses, and habits. Gain strength, motivation, trust, discipline, vision, healthy relationships, time, peace, joy, harmony, and purpose. The last aspect includes living according to a mission.
With personal development, improvements, and transitions, profound integrity means transcending a promise into reality. The process starts by understanding what is right and wrong for you. By getting to know your blueprint. It continues by staying true to yourself and living according to that blueprint.
Constrained moralities in the mind are not accepted, even when there can be truth, maybe because society keeps you stuck. The mind gets reconnected to the heart, which leads to the best, balanced outcomes called life. Living with integrity can be challenging. The more you do it, the more you lose what is not aligned.
However, not living with integrity comes at high costs and conflicts because of issues of self-worth, confidence, and authenticity. Mixtures of complex emotions can arise over some time, including shame, guilt, anger, and sadness. Not living with integrity usually means not being aligned with others and others not with you. It can even manifest as health problems.
Integrity is the answer. It is a profound way to exist, as you honor the values and basic principles and enhance dignity, self-respect, mercy, compassion, and joy. You gain power by taking full responsibility, including acknowledging and restoring wrongdoing when relevant.
Transformations require determination, commitment, dedication (time, money, effort), discipline, and enough desire. They are not just meant for those high-performance achievers out there. Or for those at the executive level who can pay. You can improve, whatever your starting point may be. You can investigate your gifts, abilities (knowledge and competencies), and talents.
Once you keep going, living with a bit of integrity becomes impossible. This means that if you hold on to your inner compass using these methods and systems, you will be led to the highest expression of yourself, whether that will be a gentle or brutal confrontation.
Let’s create a tailor-made roadmap and guide you along the way. If you are open to spirituality, Dina-Perla Portnaar can present the most inspiring methods, also for much-needed personal healing. If you are open to evidence-based methods only, Dina-Perla Portnaar can provide the best scientific work. Lastly, if you are a deep, free, and critical thinker like Dina-Perla Portnaar, she can include philosophy.
Need someone to keep you accountable to work on your intentions, attitudes, and behaviors? Need some tools to navigate the business world gracefully? There is a solid backbone in terms of personal experiences and knowledge. Let us inspire you with our toolbox, which contains methods and systems in philosophy, spirituality, and psychology. It translates into integrity consults, learning, and development through deep, free, and critical thinking. Build judgment and willpower to strengthen integrity and handle the gray areas – moral dilemmas.
Rate card, ex 21% VAT
- 1:1 personal integrity consult per hour, as well as the preparation: €95
- Strategic business integrity consult per hour, as well as the preparation: €175 – €225
- Masterclass program, one day per person: €900 – €1200
- Masterclass program, two days without lodging per person: €900 – €1800
- Super plus masterclass program, one day per person: €2500
- Super plus masterclass program, two days per person: €2500 – €3500
Tailor-made programs and ratings can be discussed.