Press & Speaking

Selection of press & speaking engagements

Dina-Perla Portnaar agrees to press interviews from time to time. She is always open to discussing a variety of speaking engagements, masterclasses, experience sharing, and more in English, Dutch, and French. Send a request.

Doing such cool things that the media are vying for your attention

Monroe Mann
Dina-Perla Portnaar’s TED talk: how to break open closed-up communities and keep children safe

Telegraaf (Dutch)

Podcast Nieuwe Knikkers (Dutch) (Dutch)

ManagersOnline (Dutch) (Dutch)

WijsDom, Sanae Orchi, and Dina-Perla Portnaar
De Nieuwe Wereld, Jelle van Baardewijk, and Dina-Perla Portnaar
EenVandaag, NPO Radio 1, and Dina-Perla Portnaar

De Groene Amsterdammer (Dutch)

Wendy Online, Held in eigen verhaal (Dutch)

Spotify podcasts (Dutch): Hero in own story, and Children’s vision

&C Media

Spiritual Care Association

De Vrijdagavond (Dutch)

Telegraaf TV (Dutch)

Talk Beliefs and harmful traditional practices, and Dina-Perla Portnaar

Trotse Moeders (Dutch).  Trotse Moeders II (Dutch)

Ouders Van Nu, part onetwo and three (Dutch). Also, podcast Mariska van Dam (Dutch)

Famme (Dutch)

Speaking, experience sharing, and masterclasses

Change in society and imprints in history

Trotse Moeders (Dutch)

Nieuw Wij (Dutch)

VIVA coverbodytrends section and press (Dutch)

Mijn Geheim (Dutch)

Vriendin (Dutch)

Fun X (Dutch)

Adformatie (Dutch)

Huis van de Wijkkrant, part one and two (Dutch)

Podcast Landelijk Knooppunt Huwelijksdrang en Achterlating (Dutch)

Telegraaf and print (Dutch)

Telegraaf TV (Dutch)

Telegraaf and print (Dutch)

Mynd (Dutch)

Digital roundtable | Chief Spiritual Officers: Caring for the human spirit with integrity, grace and safety | Dina-Perla Portnaar

Zie Oud Zuidfirst edition give-away (Dutch)

RTL Nieuws (Dutch)

The Theosophy Association (Dutch). Awake Magazine (Dutch)

Vriendin (Dutch)

Women’s Health (Dutch)

Podcast The Rest is PR (English)

Remember meLibelle and Libelle part two.

Jan magazine (Dutch)

Podcast AmsterDames (English)

TROUW (Dutch)

Fonk magazine (Dutch)

Nederlands Dagblad, Nederlands Dagblad and print (Dutch)

Telegraaf (Dutch)

Nieuw WijKRO-NCRV, Vrijdenkers via HUMAN and Boeddistisch Dagblad (Dutch)

NPO Radio 1, episode 1episode 2episode 3episode 4, episode 5 and episode 6, part one and part two.

Telegraaf (Dutch)

Podcast European Women Payments Network, EWPN (English)

Humanistisch Verbond (Dutch). Groene, TROUW and Volkskrant (Dutch)

NPO Radio 1 (Dutch)

RTL Nieuws (Dutch)

Petition (Dutch)

Zuid, cover and body (Dutch)

De Kanttekening (Dutch)

Het Parool (Dutch)

WNL (Dutch)

Gemeente Rotterdam | Schadelijke traditionele praktijken | Harmful traditional practices | Dina-Perla Portnaar

EenVandaag and NPO Radio 1

Het Laatste Nieuws (Dutch)

Management Impact/Boom Management (Dutch)

NH Nieuws (Dutch)

NH Media, and Dina-Perla Portnaar

Management Impact/Boom Management (Dutch)

De Publieke Tribune Radio, NPO Radio 1 (Dutch)

Trailer Exodus, De Afvallige | Dina-Perla Portnaar | 27th April 2021 | KRO NCRV
Trailer Vrijdenken | Omroep HUMAN | Vrijdenkers | Freethinkers | Dina-Perla Portnaar
Panel psychological abuse – Event Gemeente Amsterdam, and Dina-Perla Portnaar